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Live Webcast - English, Chinese, Vietnamese
Anniversary of Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana
紀念宣化上人涅槃特別演講, 線上同步英文, 中文演講, 並配合越文網路直播
將在美國加州時間, 星期天, 六月十六日, 下午八點鐘開始.恆實法師以中英文一起演講
The webcast will begin at 8.00pm PDT on Sunday June 16th, 2013 in English and Chinese. To listen to the Vietnamese translation, play the YouTube video but mute the audio (button on the right of the Play button). Then, play the appropriate language feed below. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Anniversary of Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana
紀念宣化上人涅槃特別演講, 線上同步英文, 中文演講, 並配合越文網路直播
將在美國加州時間, 星期天, 六月十六日, 下午八點鐘開始.恆實法師以中英文一起演講
The webcast will begin at 8.00pm PDT on Sunday June 16th, 2013 in English and Chinese. To listen to the Vietnamese translation, play the YouTube video but mute the audio (button on the right of the Play button). Then, play the appropriate language feed below. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
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Vietnamese Language (Tiếng Việt) Xin vui lòng tắt âm thanh YouTube và mở âm thanh ở đây để nghe bản dịch tiếng Việt Please mute the YouTube audio and plays the audio here to hear Vietnamese translation