Dharma Realm Buddhist Association brings the ancient Buddhist teachings to life in a contemporary Western context. Since 1969, after the first group of five Americans resolved to be monastics, hundreds have entered the monastic training in DRBA and thousands have taken refuge in the Three Jewels of Buddhism, the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, from all over North America, as well as from Asia, Europe, and Australia.
Below you find streaming Dharma lectures, the Buddha’s timeless wisdom contained in the Sutras, commentaries and instructional talks by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua and his disciples, and other useful resources. For those new to Buddhism, the introductory talk by Professor Martin Verhoeven is a good place to start.
Below you find streaming Dharma lectures, the Buddha’s timeless wisdom contained in the Sutras, commentaries and instructional talks by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua and his disciples, and other useful resources. For those new to Buddhism, the introductory talk by Professor Martin Verhoeven is a good place to start.
Streaming Dharma Lectures
Dharma lectures are giving at DRBA branches around the world. Some of the lectures are available live online.
Avatamsaka Sutra Lecture at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery
Sixth Patriarch Sutra Lecture at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery
- Language: English
- Date and Time: Saturday evenings, 7:30 – 9:30 pm PST.
Sixth Patriarch Sutra Lecture at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery
- Language: English
- Date and Time: Friday evenings, 7:30 – 9:00 pm, PST.
- 7:30 - 8:15 pm Meditation
- 8:15 - 9:00 pm Lecture / Q & A
Instructional Talks
Sutras (with Master Hua’s Commentary)
Several sutras such as Shurangama Sutra, Sixth Patriarch with Master Hua’s commentary are available.
These and more books can be found on DRBA’s translation arm BTTS.
These and more books can be found on DRBA’s translation arm BTTS.
Latest Publications
The new releases are posted under the website of the Buddhist Text Translation Society.