The 26th Observance of Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Nirvana Day is coming. CTTB is planning to recite the Avatamsaka Sutra dedicated to seasonal rains and gentle winds, and all nations and their citizens would be at peace.
Please click the link below to join Zoom online from 6/13-7/8/2021. The recitation will be in both Chinese and in English. Please click the schedules at the end to find out more in details. 上人圓寂26週年即將來臨,萬佛城訂於 6/13-7/8/2021 恭誦華嚴經一部;以緬懷上人,並祈願風調雨順、國泰民安、世界和平。欲上網共修者,請點擊下面的Zoom連結。這次恭誦華嚴經,會以中文和英文誦讀,請您參考以下的付件時間表。 Join Zoom Meeting 連結: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 密碼 Passcode: 95482 One tap mobile +16699009128,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Tacoma) 附件為法會時間表 6月13 和 19日。 附件為法會功課表 6月14 到 18日,和 6月20 到 7月8日。 The schedule of June 13th and 19th special events. The schedule of 6/14 to 6/18 and 6/20 to 7/8/2021. |
October 2024
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