This is the schedule of the coming celebration of Amitabha birthday on Sunday, December 15, 2024.
Dear Friends of Dharma:
Here we share the schedule for the coming Guan Yin Session in CTTB from 10/20 - 10/26. Click the 2-page schedule here. English recitation of Universal Door Chapter in Lengthening Life Hall: click here of the schedule. We will live stream the events between 7:15 - 10:00 in the morning and 1:15 - 5:00 in the afternoon daily. To attend these events online, please click the following link: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 附件為萬佛城 10/20 - 26 觀音七的課表。每天上午 7:15 - 10:00、下午1:15 - 5:00 的法會將在線上直播。請點擊下面的連結: The lunchtime Dharma talks on Sunday, 10/20, will also be streamed on YouTube besides on Zoom (same Zoom link as the above): 10/20 星期日午齋開示除了在 Zoom (鏈接同上)外, 也將在YouTube上直播: Here is the schedule for the coming Earth Store Session in CTTB from 9/1 - 7.
And the celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva Birthday Celebration. We will live stream the events between 7:15 - 10:00 in the morning and 1:15 - 5:00 in the afternoon daily. To attend these events online, please click the following link: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 --- One tap mobile +12532050468,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US +12532158782,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Tacoma) The lunchtime Dharma talks on Sunday, 9/1, will also be streamed on YouTube besides on Zoom (same Zoom link as the above): 附件為萬佛城 9/1 - 9/7 地藏七的課表。 慶祝地藏菩薩聖誕大法會。 每天上午 7:15 - 10:00、下午1:15 - 5:00 的法會將在線上直播。請點擊下面的連結: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 9/1 星期日午齋開示除了在Zoom (鏈接同上)外,也將在YouTube上直播: CTTB will celebrate Ullambana on Sunday, 8-18. Please see the schedule attached.
萬佛城將於星期日(8-18)慶祝盂蘭盆節;課表請詳附件。 The following events will be live-streamed on Zoom from 8:00-9:30 am, lunch talks, and Great Compassion Repentance. 當天上午8:00-9:30 的法會、午齋開示、大悲懺等將在 Zoom 上直播,鏈接如下: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 --- One tap mobile +13462487799,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Houston) +13602095623,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US The lunchtime talks will be also on YouTube 午齋開示也將在 YouTube 上直播: Here is the schedule for the coming Guan Yin celebration on Sunday and the retreat schedule in CTTB from 7/21 - 27.
We will live stream the events between 7:15 - 10:00 in the morning and 1:15 - 5:00 in the afternoon daily. To attend these events online, please click the following link: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 --- One tap mobile +12532050468,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US +12532158782,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Tacoma) The lunchtime Dharma talks on Sunday, 7/21, will also be streamed on YouTube besides on Zoom (same Zoom link as the above): 附件為萬佛城慶祝觀世音菩薩成道日大法會,以及7/21 - 27 觀音七的課表。 每天上午 7:15 - 10:00、下午1:15 - 5:00 的法會將在線上直播。請點擊以上的 Zoom 連結。 7/21 星期日午齋開示除了在Zoom (鏈接同上)外,也將在YouTube上直播。 The schedule for the 10,000 Buddhas Repentance in CTTB.
Please click the following link to join online: 附上萬佛城即將舉行的萬佛懺課表。點擊上面的連結,即可在線上參加: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 --- One tap mobile +16694449171,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US +13462487799,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Houston) A 7-day retreat dedicated to the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion Bhikshu Jin Chuan and Bhikshu Jin Wei explain “Decoding Amitabha Practice” on Sunday, 12/24,
星期日近傳、近威法師將講解念佛法門. Rev. Heng Sure is too busy to lecture on the Ten Transference Chapter on Sunday; Bhikshu Jin Chuan and Bhikshu Jin Wei will teach “Decoding Amitabha Practice” instead. Also, Jin Yong Shi will give a brief introduction to the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts. 諸位佛友, 實法師因爲要事纏身,本星期日十迴向品講座暫停一次。近傳、近威法師將講解念佛法門。此外,近永師也將簡介在家菩薩戒。 CTTB Sunday Evening Lecture Series 萬佛城星期日晚上講座 加州時間星期日晚上, 12/24, Sunday 7:30 – 9:00 pm, California time (亞洲時間星期一, 12/25, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, East Asia time) Bhikshu Jin Chuan and Bhikshu Jin Wei: Decoding Amitabha Practice. (7:30 – 8:30 pm) 近傳、近威法師:爲何念佛(7:30 – 8:30 pm) DM Jin Yong: Brief Introduction of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts (8:30–9:00 pm) 近永師:簡介在家菩薩戒 (8:30–9:00 pm) Zoom link 連結: Meeting ID: 929 8519 9033 Passcode 密碼: 95482 Vietnamese Translation 越語翻譯 Zoom link: Meeting ID: 879 7769 2844 Passcode: 922407 Live stream on YouTube 直播: 慶祝地藏菩薩聖誕的時間表The Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva will take place on Sunday, 9/10 in CTTB. Click here for the schedule of the celebration.
The 7-day retreat of the coming Earth Store Session starts from 9/10 to 9/16. Click here for the 7-day retreat schedule. We will stream the events between 7:15 - 10:00 in the morning and 1:15 - 5:00 in the afternoon daily, plus the lunchtime Dharma talks on Sunday, 9/10. To attend these events online, please click the following link: Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278 Passcode: 95482 --- One tap mobile +12532050468,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US +12532158782,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Tacoma) 在9月10日當天慶祝地藏菩薩聖誕的時間表在此付上。 每天上午 7:15 - 10:00、下午1:15 - 5:00 的法會及 9/10星期日午齋開示將在線上直播。 請點擊上面的Zoom連結。 附件為 9/10 - 9/16 地藏七的課表。 The lunchtime Dharma talks on Sunday, 9/10, will also be streamed on YouTube: 9/10星期日午齋開示也將在YouTube上直播: |
December 2024
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