CTTB will start the online Guan Yin session from 10/24 - 10/30.Forum on The Quest for the Meaning of Life (追尋“生命的意義”的研討會)
A CTTB Sunday Evening Lecture Series (萬佛聖城星期日晚間講座系列之一) A Forum on Sunday evenings at 7:30 to 8:45 pm Pacific time from Oct. 10th to Nov. 21st. (Simultaneous Chinese translation will be provided - see instructions below: 有中文同步翻譯的服務) Moderator: Dr. Raymond Yeh(主持人: 葉祖堯博士) Please click here to see the introduction of each speaker. 主講者的簡介說明,請點擊此連結。 (1) Oct. 10th: Rev. Heng Sure & Mr. Nipun Mehta 恒實法師 及 梅塔先生 (2) Oct. 17th: Rabbi David Baron & Dr. Marilyn Schlitz 大衛巴倫牧師 及 瑪麗蓮·施利茨博士 (3) Oct. 31st: Mr. Navin Amarasuriya & Dr. Fuad Sobrinho 阿瑪雷先生 及 蘇碑路博士 (4) Nov. 7th: Dr. Murat Tanik & Dr. Pei Hsia 塔尼克博士 及 夏沛牧師 (5) Nov. 14th: Dr. Clair Brown & DM Heng Yin 布朗博士 及 恒音法師 (6) Nov. 21st: Dr. Lily Yeh & Ms. Hong Zheng 葉蕾蕾博士 及 鄭洪女士 Live stream on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RD8ajDhMcWA Zoom Meeting (英文及同步中文翻譯) For English, simply attend the Zoom meeting. For Chinese translation, after joining the meeting, please click the interpretation button on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, then select "Chinese." 欲聽中文者,請在加入以下Zoom會議後,按屏幕底部功能鍵中之翻譯鍵 (該鍵看似一個地球圖標),之後選擇 "Chinese" Join Zoom Meeting 加入會議連結: https://zoom.us/j/92985199033?pwd=VWc4TnFxWDZsUnlsenJzR2hYOHREQT09 Meeting ID: 929 8519 9033 Passcode 會議密碼: 95482 One tap mobile +16699009128,,92985199033#,,,,*95482# US (San Jose) Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adHjLfNr4S 若您不在美國,請於此鏈接尋找當地電話號碼:https://zoom.us/u/adHjLfNr4S |
August 2024
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